(Studi Kasus: RSUP Dr Sardjito)
Eki Farlen
Jurusan Teknik Fisika FT UGM
Jln. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA
Intisari- Pengkondisian
udara di rumah sakit mempunyai peran yang penting guna mendapatkan kenyamanan
pasien. Setiap ruangan ber-AC akan terasa tidak nyaman jika salah satunya
disebabkan oleh tidak meratanya distribusi suhu di dalam ruangan tersebut. Oleh
karena itu dirancang suatu sistem monitoring respon perubahan suhu AC secara real time dengan menempatkan sensor suhu
di titik zona nyaman pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap RS. Sardjito guna mengetahui
keadaan pasien apakah selalu terjaga dalam zona kenyamanan termal yang mengacu
pada standard ASHRAE, SNI 03-6572-2001,
dan Pedoman teknis tata udara rumah sakit.
yang dipakai ruang rawat inap VIP berkapasitas 2 PK atau setara dengan 5275
Watt sudah cukup efisien mendinginkan
ruangan yang berukuran 35,2 m2 mengingat beban puncak panas sensibel
dan laten yang diperkirakan pada ruang tersebut tidak jauh lebih besar melebihi
kapasitas AC, yaitu sebesar 6230,51 Watt. Ketiga
zona pengukuran berada pada zona kenyamanan termal pasien dan hasil pengujian
respon set-point tetap dengan variasi
pengaturan kecepatan fan AC
menunjukkan bahwa suhu ruangan rata-rata dengan beban panas sebesar 2100 Watt
mencapai keadaan steady pada suhu 24oC
di menit ke-14. Panas total sensibel dan laten sebesar 3139 Watt yang
dibangkitkan selama pengujian respon gangguan internal mengakibatkan kenaikan suhu ruangan hingga
25,2 oC, ruangan masih dalam zona nyaman standard SNI karena masih
berada pada rentang suhu 22,8oC hingga 25,8oC.
Kunci : monitoring suhu, zona nyaman,
pengkondisian udara, beban pendinginan
Abstract- Air conditioning in hospitals have an
important role to obtain the patient's comfort. Each air-conditioned room will
feel uncomfortable if one of them caused by the uneven of room temperature distribution. Therefore, writer designed
system monitoring of air conditioning temperature response change in real time
by placing a temperature sensor at some point of comfort zone in Inpatient room
of Sardjito Hospital to determine whether the patient's condition is always
maintained in the thermal comfort zone which refers to the ASHRAE standard, SNI
03-6572-2001, and technical guidelines HVAC hospital.
AC which used in VIP wards have capacity
amount 2 PK or equivalent to 5275 Watt have enough efficient to cool the room
the size of 35,2 m2 because total peak
of sensible and latent heat expected in the space not much bigger than the
capacity of AC, equal to 6230,51 Watt. The
three sensor of the measurement were located around thermal comfort zone and
the result of response testing of set-point
fixed with variation of AC fan speed settings show that the average temperature
of the room with a cooling load amount
2100 Watts reach steady state at a temperature of 24oC in the 14th
minute. Total of Sensible and latent heat amount 3139 watts that are generated during the
testing of internal disturbance response resulted in increasing of room
temperature from 24oC till 25,2°C , the room still at comfort zone
because still in SNI standard temperature range between 22,8oC to 25,8oC.
: temperature monitoring, comfort zone,
air conditioning, cooling load
Full Paper can be downloaded at
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